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Paris, France
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mercredi 1 juillet 2009

Le Redoutable

Le Redoutable2, première mise en ligne par boxjf1966.

The construction of this new type of equipment began late in 1964 in Cherbourg. The goal is to create a submarine more than 9 000 tonnes, equipped with a nuclear propulsion system and which furthermore must be capable of firing missiles with nuclear warheads.

Launched March 29 1967 at Cherbourg in the presence of General de Gaulle, and as commander Admiral Louzeau he was admitted to active service on 1 December 1971 within the strategic oceanic force under the command of Admiral Louzeau. Upon admission to active duty, it is equipped with 16 missiles Wednesday basement ballistic M1 (450 kt 000 km 2) and M2 from 1974, then M20 missiles, each with a nuclear warhead and a megaton of a range greater than 3 000 km.

On 29 May 1971, the first firing of a missile Onagre strategic M1E took place from Redoutable diving. This SNLE departed for its first patrol on 28 January 1972, which lasted 55 days beginning 75 days at sea at the end of his career. Like all other SNLE he was throughout his career, integrated into the Strategic Oceanic Force (FOST) of the French Navy and based at Ile Longue, Brest. Unlike the five other submarines of this series, it has not benefited from the redesign M4.

In 20 years of service, he conducted 51 patrols, 3 469 days at sea, 83 and 500 hours of diving (11 years at sea diving 10). The frightful was withdrawn from active service on 13 December 1991 and sentenced on 24 July 1992. Before its withdrawal from active service and after removal of ballistic missiles, he made a stopover points with crew in Dakar in April 1991 supported by the TCD Orage (Operation Jubarte to test size a relief crew away from the bases). It was the only stop in Africa's history of french SNLE.

Two crews of 115 men each, the Blues and the Reds took turns for the vessel to be operational at all times. Of the 6 SNLE, four had to be at sea, including three in the firing position.

In May 2002, the Redoutable was open to the public, in the heart of the Cité de la Mer in Cherbourg, a museum dedicated to the industrial adventure of the naval nuclear propulsion, exploration under the sea and ocean to the Force Strategic where a dock was specially built for the host.

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