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Paris, France
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dimanche 13 septembre 2009


Bird, première mise en ligne par boxjf1966.

Architectural and artistic presentation :
The Versailles is an exceptional witness of French art in the seventeenth and eighteenth century. The architecture incorporates the canons of classicism: the symmetry of the plan, the colonnaded facades, inspiration or ancient mythology in the choice of subjects carved. Some keys baroque bring some rigor to this fantasy classic.
The implementation of this monumental architectural ensemble creates a barrier between the city and area. According to the wish of Le Notre, to spare its effects, we should not see the city from the gardens and gardens not guess from the city.
The castle remains attached to the figure of Louis XIV (1638-1715) but this should not obscure that its construction and amenities go well beyond the reign of the Sun King.
The heart of the castle consists of the original building dating from the time of Louis XIII, the father of Louis XIV. It contrasts with other parts of its two-tone walls (brick and stone) and its high roof slates.
This "old castle" is partly enveloped in a more recent construction, built by the architects Le Vau and Orbay on the order of Louis XIV in 1668. A garden, presents a facade in order typical three floors. The second level (occupied by the Hall of Mirrors) is illuminated by high windows framed by engaged columns or pilasters. Pilasters found on the top floor of lower height. At the top of the building, a parapet hiding the roof flattened (Mansard roof).
The "old castle" and the "new castle" form a rough U-plane Two long wings extending north and south this first set. Built by another architect, Jules Hardouin-Mansart, yet they incorporate the broad envelope of Le Vau.
Inside the castle is occupied by including larger ones. These are the great king's apartment, the apartment of the queen and the Galerie des Glaces. The apartments are in rows of beautifully decorated rooms with ceilings down the architects of Charles Le Brun.
73 m long, the Hall of Mirrors is meant the more majestic hall of the castle. It opens on one side of the garden while the other is covered seventeen panels of mirrors.
To meet the large apartments flats. There are more intimate rooms that large ceremonial rooms. Louis XV there invited him to dinner his family there and Louis XVI installed his small forge locksmith. The apartments are not always in their original configuration, that is to say, the time of Louis XIV. The apartment of the queen this example in his state in 1787 when Marie-Antoinette lived.
In addition to residential buildings, the castle is completed by the chapel and opera. In the chapel, built between 1689 and 1710, the king attended Mass daily. The opera opened in 1770, is one of the last buildings constructed in the Castle.

Château de Versailles :
Le château de Versailles fut la résidence des rois de France Louis XIV, Louis XV et Louis XVI. Résidence royale, ce monument compte parmi les plus remarquables de France et du monde tant par sa beauté que par les événements dont il fut le théâtre. Le roi et la cour y résident de façon permanente du 6 mai 1682 au 6 octobre 1789 à l'exception des quelques années de la Régence. Il est situé au sud-ouest de Paris, dans la ville de Versailles en France. Ce château est devenu un symbole de l'apogée de la royauté française. La grandeur des lieux se voulait à l'image de celle des rois successifs.
Le château est constitué d'une succession d'éléments ayant une harmonie architecturale. Il s'étale sur 67 000 m² et comprend plus de 2 000 pièces.
Le parc du château de Versailles s'étend sur 815 ha (8 000 avant la Révolution) dont 93 ha de jardins. Il comprend de nombreux éléments dont le petit et le grand Trianon, le hameau de la Reine, le grand et le petit Canal, une ménagerie, une orangerie et la pièce d'eau des Suisses.

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